If you’re travelling, you can typically get by with just three things – your wallet, your passport, and your mobile phone. It is even changing in modern times where even your wallet isn’t always necessary as mobile payments and cash transfers through apps are becoming common even in locations with a typical reliance on cash – with your mobile being such an important part of travelling, it’ll come as a surprise to hear how many individuals can be careless with their online presence whilst abroad. Whether you’re looking for the best gaming sites with this list as a good resource, or just trying to find out how to stay safe, what should you keep in mind whilst travelling?
Be wary on public wi-fi – It’s becoming a more common tourist trap, those looking to get online whilst at a local restaurant or hang-out spot will hang up signs showing the offering for free wi-fi options, even those in more trusted locations like big chains with Starbucks and McDonalds too, but they’re often put in place to steal personal information. It has become a growing problem over the years, and not one that is likely to get better as mobile use continues to increase, so if you’re on the road and see an option for use of public wi-fi, it may be better to stick to using your own mobile data instead.
Use a VPN wherever possible – Advertisements for VPNs were increasingly popular on tech channels over the past decade with many giving out discount and promo codes, and for some it gave a negative spin in some way as they were so heavily pushed – they are extremely useful for helping protect your data though, and fi you are going to be forced to use public access points then it could be something that helps protect your personal information. Not all countries allow the usage of a VPN so you’ll have to check ahead of time but using where possible could save you a headache further down the line.

(Image from gblnet.co.uk)
Take care with returning roaming costs – A big change coming to Europe and the UK is the return of roaming charges for using your internet abroad, whilst the current data caps are quite high and not something that’ll likely be surpassed in normal use for a short stay, it’s something that needs to be kept in mind too. With the roaming legislation changing for the rest of Europe at the end of 2022, it could also mean there’s a return for roaming charges even throughout European countries too as such it’s important to keep a close eye on this, as you wouldn’t want to be surprised with sudden growing costs when you thought they wouldn’t come.