Online Therapy From Talkspace: Tackling Existential Issues

Talkspace is a leading provider of online therapy services. The New York-based healthcare firm applies modern technology to serve millions of patients by matching them with professional psychotherapists and counselors. Over the years, people have received one-on-one therapy services, but the company raised the bar by providing top-rated service from its mobile app and website.

However, the firm also provides other forms of therapies and consultancy services. Existential therapy is one of the services that have shaped the lives of many clients. Unlike other methods, existential therapy involves more philosophy than psychology.

By extension, experts concentrate on various patient’s aspects, including responsibility, freedom, choice, and anxiety, to name but a few. They make clients understand that psychological distress is a usual way of facing challenges.

Benefits of Existential Therapy

Patients undergoing various psychotherapy sessions learn to understand their past concerning impulses that controlled their lives. Simultaneously, therapists use patients’ feelings and thoughts to help them change and heal. The traditional therapy methods don’t concentrate on the permanent struggles faced by humanity.

However, existential therapy approaches the struggles from a different perspective. In this context, the battles become the stepping-stones of solving problems. In other words, patients learn to understand that suffering and struggling are part of human life.

Therefore, therapists help patients understand that their challenges in life could help them make better choices. They don’t need to undergo therapy because it won’t eradicate them. Instead, they should use them to face life broadly.

Goals of Existential Therapy

The primary purpose of existential therapy is to help patients form strong relationships, make healthy choices, and be aware of life challenges. Additionally, therapists performing existential therapy don’t concentrate on the patients’ symptoms but instead focus on their free will. In other words, this form of treatment helps patients look at life differently to achieve their objectives.

Benefits of Existential therapy

In most cases, existential therapy benefits individuals that have tried the traditional methods. The way therapists facilitate the session might not appeal to individuals that believe in the scrutiny of experiences. As earlier mentioned, therapists performing existential therapy don’t dwell on the clients’ symptoms. However, they might consider supplementing it with interpersonal and behavioral treatments for the best results.

Primary Concepts of Existential Therapy

According to Talkspace experts, existential therapy’s principle is that people reach a particular level of anxiety. However, they must accept the reality and forge forward to achieve their goals. Additionally, they must understand that isolation is part of life and struggles come and go.

Final Thoughts

Existential therapy benefits everyone, regardless of the situation. However, individuals battling substance abuse and addiction have benefited significantly. The emphasis on helping them make positive choices has played a critical role in restoring their lives. Furthermore, Talkspace therapists have a strong background in facilitating existential therapy by providing guiding principles.

About Talkspace

Oren Frank established the company on June 1, 2012. As the CEO, he has facilitated the solution to mental disorder solutions for millions of people. By just registering themselves through the app, patients enjoy numerous therapy services from their homes.

Technology has advanced its services because clients connect with professional and licensed therapists through text, video calls, and chats in real-time. Concisely, the company has played a crucial role in destigmatizing therapy because individuals get the services privately.