Experiencing Paris During the Olympics

Paris is one of the world’s most refined cities. Museums such as the Louvre and the Pompidou Center, and landmarks, including the Eiffel Tower and the Arc de Triomphe, have tourists making a beeline for it from all around the world. That’s especially the case in Europe, where in the matter of two or three hours, less in some cases, visitors can fly to France and be sipping on a fine wine in no time. 

As the host of the 2024 Olympics, Paris will experience even more of a buzz than usual as tourists descend on the city to witness live Olympic sport. The Olympics promote unity among nations and give people the chance to watch athletes in peak physical condition compete for their countries. People love the drama as much as they admire the athletes. Some also like the opportunity to bet on Olympic games, this year the USA and China are the favorites to top the medal table. Below is a look at what you can expect to experience in Paris during the Games, plus a discussion of some of the predictions for medal wins, and a short guide to staying in Paris during the Games.

Big event, big atmosphere

The Olympics is one of the greatest sporting events on the planet, so expect huge excitement in Paris throughout the Games. Although the city will be busy, the Government and businesses may arrange holidays so that workers can attend the Games and also to avoid congestion in the city. 

Naturally, the eyes of the world will be on Paris and the success or failure of the Games can reflect on the city. The Paris city council may organize extra public transport or extend the hours of some public transport services. You’ll find public transport punctual. The French police are also likely to step up their security operations and be a heavier presence around the city or at least at Olympic venues.

Who will the victors be at the Games? 

If you’re planning to bet on any Olympic Games, you’ll be interested to know the United States are projected to win the most medals at this year’s Olympics. Experts have predicted they’ll win 123 overall, including 39 golds. China is expected to take home the next biggest share of medals, with 89 overall, including 35 golds. Great Britain is the next major contender, predicted to fly back home with 66, 13 of them being golds. 

Where to stay in Paris

Paris is massive and boasts lots of amazing neighborhoods you can stay in. It all depends on your budget, but here are a few suggestions:

Champs Élysée

Champs Élysée is at the high end of a budget, so if you’re not afraid to spend some money you can stay in some lavish accommodation. You’ll be staying close to the Arc de Triomphe, the Place de la Concorde, the Tullerie Gardens and the Grand Palais. It’s one of the Paris’s most exclusive areas and you’ll encounter many high-fashion shops.

The Marais

If you want to be central, this chic neighborhood is the one for you. It’s got plenty of bars, restaurants and designer boutiques, and is also home to the Pompidou Center and the Musée Picasso. The neighborhood boasts lots of stylish galleries as well. 

Quartier Latin

Trying to keep your expenses down? Paris’s Quartier Latin neighborhood is budget friendly and has been associated with students since the 13th century. Even today, there are still lots of colleges in the area. The rue Mouffetard market may be slightly pricey, but the produce is good and you won’t regret spending the money you save on accommodation on it. On Sundays the organic stalls are open. 

Using public transport in Paris

Paris is well connected, and you can get to about just anywhere you need to by metro. A single ticket for zones 1 and 2 will cost you around €2. It’s best to keep your ticket on you when you travel around the metro. You could be fined if you can’t show your ticket at the exit barrier. 

If you’re not too bothered about traveling in style, you can get around Paris by bus instead. It may take a little longer though. Again, expect to pay about €2 for your bus ticket. A T+ allows you to transfer between metro stops, between the metro and the RAR (a hybrid between metro and rail), and between tram and selected bus services, within 90 minutes of the first and last validation. 

If you want to take a short trip in a taxi, Taxis Parisiens are safe and relatively affordable for short trips. A twenty-minute ride may cost you around €15 to 20.  

Paris is an amazing city and will undoubtedly host a terrific Olympic Games. Whether you stay in a high-end neighborhood or a budget-friendly one, you’ll have a splendid time. You might even get caught up in the excitement of the event and put a bet on the Olympic Games. Hey, why not!