These Are Most the Most Popular Types of Blogs

You have decided you definitely want to start a blog and have completed a lot of the basics like studied up on SEO, and even met with a local SEO company to discuss hiring them to ensure you write your posts so that you can get preferred placement on search engines. And now you need to decide once and for all what your blog will be about. You have a few choices because there are several topics you know well and others you are passionate about. But what is as important is deciding the exact style of blog you want to create. Here are your options:

Opinion Blog

These are the most popular types of blogs on the Internet. They are all about giving the blog writer (or writers) an outlet to share personal opinions. Opinion blogs often are fronted by a personality or expert type, they focus on polarizing topics, and have their reputation built by their readers and those who oppose their views.

Opinion blogs will mix actual news with opinion and sometimes try to position themselves as news sites, but in reality they only use real news to either prove or further their point of view.  Popular topics for these types of blogs includes: politics, entertainment and sports.

Entertainment Blog

These blogs often elicit the most passion from readers. They revolve around the life of actors, singers, athletes, models, gamers, and other entertainment personalities. Some entertainment blogs may feature this entire group while others only a portion. Some are mostly informational while others claim to be, but are really semi-scandalous.

Whatever the case, the popular ones keep millions of readers entertained, commenting and coming back for more. The common features of entertainment blogs are that they provide the latest updates, gossips and trends in the entertainment world. Some of the most popular are now owned and run by the television networks who want to be active in online communication about of celebrities.

Business Blog

Blogging has become an essential part of many companies marketing strategy and with good reason. A blog gives a company an opportunity to engage its potential customers in a more meaningful and personal way and to provide quick and essential feedback to them quickly. To be most effective, their blog might need to have a focus much broader then the products and services they sell, and include topics that are intimate or crucial to readers. An example may be that a healthy food products company may focus on providing health tips that actually fit outside the areas that their products would be able to affect directly, but the information is delivered under a heading of improving the quality of reader’s lives. Many of these blogs utilize a call to action strategy where readers are invited to try the company’s products and services and plenty of links to related sites that provide additional advice and insight to readers, and offer additional revenue opportunities for the business.

Information Blog

There is a class of blog that is purely information and designed to give readers a deep and sometimes technical understanding of a topic. It may include tutorials and real life scenarios with which the readers can potentially relate to, and utilize for their own benefit. Certain informative blogs even invite their readers to comment and debate on topics, allowing them to share their own knowledge with other blog readers.